Ivan to sell tickets for the Graduation Day concert:
RM10 -Normal
The whole school we only got 28 "customers" lol! I understand that the tickets
were expensive and if those people were me, I wouldn't buy too xD While going
around sticking the brochure in every classes I stapled my hand withe the stapler
gun, not just the ordinary stapler LOL! Now still got the 2 holes on my palm...
Tomorrow's my sister's last day of exam and one of the paper they will be having
is Seni paper 2. So my sis called me to draw something entitled A weird animal
she saw in her dream. I thought of the idea drawing a dragon which is one of the
"animal" or you can call it something else. Dragon amazed me since I was young,
simbolizing the icon of power and strength. This is the picture I drew...
Should had drawn nine head like the Mythology's Hydra lol! XD It's simple and
easy to draw, so my sister can get the idea for her exam =]
These few days a lot of problems are messing with my mind and making me crazy.
Negative thoughts and worries. Haiz...I really hope all these problems will
go away soon.
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