Yesterday,the Science and Mathematics society conduct a trip to Pusat Sains Negara...
onli 9 ppl from my class went...they are Jun Han,Chuan Zhan,Carolyn,Kah Kei,Mei Ling,Ivan,Ryan,Muraliand i...i pity the form 3 and form 5 la...they cant go...
early in the morning around 7...everyone gathered in the canteen...then the teachers will divide the student into 3 buses...Ivan,Ryan,Murali and i ride bus B...half way calling the teacher call Murali,Devraj and i to take the hats...i almost miss the bus because went to take the hat...i nvr heard my name...phew...u guess wat the hats are for...??for TRACKING when we get lost...they just nid to find the student with the hat they gave...
we left for pusat sains negara at around 7.30 am...just when i thought the trip would be fun
...WE GT STUCK IN A TRAFFIC JAM!!!...i sat with murali...seng and kuhan sat behind us...
carolyn and kah kei sat in front of us...murali and i keep disturbing carolyn...xD
when we reach there...all bus B passenger paid RM 14 to the teacher for the ticket..
we waited for a while then we enter...we put our bag on a shelf...and hear the taklimat...
we waited for a while then we enter...we put our bag on a shelf...and hear the taklimat...
in the entrance gt a tunnel like a aquarium de...(dont know wat is it call) many fishes...
after crossing the tunnel...we went to Survival of the so many games...they gt giv a card to put around ur one round thing yellow colour one...can put on a machine to play games...
first game we play...
put the card in the yellow spot there
Ryan and Ivan=]
look at Ivan...wat a pose
the four musketeers...hahaha
this car very cute right??^^
After we finish playing...we all gathered outside...teacher gave us tickets to enter the next
exhibition...Monsters and Dinosaur...too bad for Ryan and Ivan...they miss the exhibition just because they went to the toilet and Ivan went to try the Optimus Prime helmet...all the
animals and dinosaur in the exhibition can move de...
wah seng so 'cool'...XD
After that,we gt our own free time to walk around...we play so many things
kena chase by dinosaur??
aiyo seng...that place is for kids to go in de...cant u read?
When the bus arrive...we all went back to school...we reached school at 2 pm...the paper wrote 1pm...lolz...1 hour late...but i stayback until 3pm...wait for bro...haiz...but we really had alot of fun that day...^^
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